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.Fun Facts on Kellog’s Cereal Boxes.

Dear Customer, Thank you for buying a box of Kellogg’s Cereal. We value you as a customer. Unfortunately during the time of manufacture, our computers were down. Since it is our goal to attract as many customers as possible, we rely heavily on the layout…

.Translation of Common Job Descriptions.

“Minimum of 2 years of experience in a similar role” Ideally, you will have at least 45 years of experience in this exact role. Though, we do want you to be fresh, hip, and innovative. So maybe you can be, like, a clone of Frank,…

.Super Specific Yoga Classes.

January. New Year – new me. This is the time when people have New Year Resolutions. One is for many to work out, sign up at the gym or finally take this yoga or pilates class. Here are some courses to sign up for. Enjoy. I hope you had a good start into 2025 and didn’t forget to laugh.

Yoga for Adults Who Did Something Weird to Their Backs After The Last Party

Fifteen-Minute Yoga for the Modern Woman Who Spent the First Ten Minutes of Her Free Time Having a Panic Attack (Actually Only Five Minutes of Yoga)

Cat Yoga Bring Your Cat

Yoga While Being on the Phone the Entire Time

Breathing Exercises Yoga for Anyone Who Did Not Get the Promotion

Cooldown Techniques Yoga if You Want to Resign But Are Not Sure Yet

Benji Dog Yoga (Yoga with your dog)

Naked Beer Yoga (yes, the instructor is naked and hands out beer to all the participants)

Yoga Video Where Instructor Loudly Says, “Wow, Good Job on All Those Planks!” to Impress Passersby (No Actual Planks)

Seven Hours of Corpse Pose, Which Is Definitely Not An Excuse to Take a Nap

Standing Warrior Pose Flow for the Empowered Woman Who Just Learned She Was Supposed to Be Cleaning Her Yoga Mat This Whole Time

Using a DIY Mat Spray You Looked Up Online That Doesn’t Clean Your Mat but Does Slick It in Tea Tree Oil, So Every Time You Do Downward Dog, You Sort of Just Slide to the Floor and Regret Your Life’s Choices Yoga

Yoga for Shamefully Giving Up on the Whole Cleaning Your Mat Thing and Just Buying A New Mat (Use Code BENJI for 20 Percent Off at Checkout)

Yoga to Survive a Packed Subway Car Ride During Rush Hour

Calming Breathing Exercises for the Moment When Teens Walk by, and You Can’t Remember If the Jeans You’re Wearing Are Good

Mindful Meditation for Remembering That When You Were a Teen, All Adults Were Basically Invisible to You, So You Have Nothing to Worry About but in a Very Sad, Non-Reassuring Way

Yoga for Grappling with Your Impending Irrelevance, but Make It Something Inspiring About Being Humble and Present Because Otherwise, You Can’t Live with These Uncomfortable Feelings

Yoga Where You Turn Around All the Time—Not Creepy but Just to See What the Others Are Doing

Yoga Where Instructor Reminds Us That Someday, Many Years in the Future, She Might Not Want to Practise Yoga Anymore, but Not for a Very, Very Long Time, So There Is No Point Worrying About It Yet

Yoga with Instructor, Where You’re the Instructor, Because You’ve Body Swapped in a Freaky Friday Situation to Learn an Important Lesson About Life and Love

Yoga Where Instructor Moves to Your Town and Decides to Be Your Friend In a Very Natural and Organic Way

People Can Bond over All Sorts of Things—It’s Best Not to Overthink It Yoga

Maybe you Start a Small Business and Brainstorm for Ideas Yoga

Full Brunch on your Mat Yoga

Yoga Where Instructor Lets You Sit on Her Mat and Pet Benji (His Fur Looks Very Soft)

Try to Avoid Touching Your Neighbor’s Pelvic Floor while we do this Yoga

Allow the Siren to Wash over You and Become Part of Your Inner Peace Yoga

If you Fall Over, you’re Just Building Muscle Memory Yoga

If you Fall on your Face give me a Wave and I can Come Over with a Chemical Ice Pack Yoga

Let’s not and say we did Yoga

.Happy New Year 2025.

To round up this year I want to say that 2024 treated me really well. It was amazing and loaded with changes – good and bad ones, sad, painful, inspiring, loving, stressing and relaxing. My son and I are healthy which is the most important…

.Home Alone.

In my house, Christmas Time means cuddling up on the couch with hot chocolate to watch Home Alone and Home Alone 2 on repeat. My son and I love it so much and it has become our tradition. And obviously we love Kevin. The other…

.What City Balcony Designers Think.

DESIGNER 1: The investors want us to make extremely small urban apartments more enjoyable. Got any ideas?

DESIGNER 2: Yes. Extremely small balconies.

DESIGNER 1: That’s genius. How small are we talking?

DESIGNER 2: Just big enough for one person to stand.

DESIGNER 1: How about half as big?

DESIGNER 2: That’s the best idea I’ve ever heard. But isn’t that still too big?

DESIGNER 1: Yes. Let’s make them smaller.

DESIGNER 2: I’ve never lived in the city, but it feels like we’re onto something.

DESIGNER 1: Me neither, and I completely agree.

DESIGNER 3: Hey, I heard you’re working on an extremely small urban apartment project. Do you need more help from someone who has also never lived in a city?


DESIGNER 3: Perfect. Let’s put some balconies in complete shade and some in direct sunlight. Never anything in between.

DESIGNER 2: And there should always be something dripping from the balcony above, even when it’s dry outside.

DESIGNER 1: You know what would be great, too? If the exhaust vent from the neighbor’s dryer was positioned at eye level on each balcony so you have to smell your neighbor’s clothes.

DESIGNER 2: Outstanding. But which apartments should have a balcony?

DESIGNER 1: Only the ones facing a major street. It’s my understanding that people who live in cities like seeing, smelling, and hearing traffic at all times.

DESIGNER 3: I couldn’t agree more. I have a cousin who visited a city once, and he said that everyone there does traffic as a hobby. Also, they hate privacy.

DESIGNER 1: Terrific. We’ll put all of the balconies really close to each other.

DESIGNER 2: Wait, we forgot to enclose the balconies with the strongest metal railings ever made. The whole reason people move to cities is because they yearn for strong metal things and hate things that are soft and natural.

DESIGNER 1: Plus, they need something to tie their clotheslines to, which is a thing they all use.

DESIGNER 3: Just make sure there are wide enough gaps between the railings to accidentally drop things through.

DESIGNER 1: Great idea. What’s the point of having an extremely small balcony if not for exposing yourself to the possibility of killing a passerby with a small household item?

(All designers nod in agreement.)

DESIGNER 3: Hey, I have a question for another project I’m on: Do city people like access to parking?

DESIGNER 1: Only if it’s underground, extremely difficult to use. And smells like pee.

DESIGNER 3: You’re not gonna believe this…

.Survival of the Fittest.

Look, this place needs to be administrated, and I’m the guy to do it. I know you’ve been doing your best, but you’ve been held back. You haven’t been given what you need to be successful. And I’m not talking about money. I’m not talking…

.Lunch. *

*with the Person Who Dumped You.

You get an email from your ex-whatever-it-was-you-two-were-exactly, asking to meet for lunch. The tone of the mail is friendly, casual, if a bit stiff. You agree in a friendly, casual, if a bit stiff email of your own, and a date is set. But what kind of lunch will it be? Hold your breath and SPIN! THAT! WHEEL!

The No-Hard-Feelings-Lunch

This is probably the best-case scenario. You can be friends again and put all the ugliness behind you. “You and me, we are okay, right?” You will agree that whatever it was that you had was nice, for what it was, but the timing was bad, you wanted different things, you are two different people, after all; it was “Just One of Those Things,” as Tony Bennett sang. You will offer each other weak declarations that there are no bad guys here (because there aren’t, not really) and half-hearted promises that you are not reviled by each other’s friends, that there haven’t been long, heated conversations about how much you suck. Most important, though, is the unspoken understanding that both of you are people – weak- wounded, fragile, forgivable people doing the very best you can under the impossible circumstances that is day-to-day existence.

In the great grand scheme of things, this is nothing, this wound- it’s a nick of a razor, a scrape of the knee – and if you say it enough times and with enough intensity and smile wider each time you say it, you can even convince yourselves. After all, what were you hoping for, really? What was this ever going to be, realistically? Isn’t this the best thing that could have possibly happened, for it to have ended now before somebody really got hurt? This is much better. This makes sense. Everything’s fine you can assure each other and yourselves. Everything will always be fine.

The Loaded-Weapon Lunch

Are you prepared for this? Do you have a list, with bullets, ready to go? The breakup was abrupt. Maybe you didn’t say everything you wanted to say to each other; maybe now, with time, you have started to realize all the ways in which you were wronged. I hope you are crafting the righteous indignation in your head, shaping it, sculpturing it. What’s the sharpest turn of phrase, the cruellest, fastest way to draw blood? When the sparring begins, hang back, float like a butterfly, let your opponent use up all the good material, and then strike. Remember, the one who laughs last laughs longest, so make sure you laugh last and when you do you laugh heartily but with a detached air none-of-this-really-matters-I-haven’t-been-lying-awake-at-night-staring-at-the-ceiling-regurgitating-all-this-pain coolness. This lunch will decide once and for all who is the winner and who is the loser of this breakup. This is the moment you have been trained for, the reckoning where at long last justice will be had. The crowd roars. The judge pounds the gavel. O, Glorious Retribution, how sweet thy taste, how bitter thy sting. This will not be pleasant, this lunch, and you will both feel terrible afterwards – it will not at all provide the closure either of you had hoped for – but if there is a silver lining here (and you are not sure there is one), it is the assurance that what you had, whatever it was, had weight. It made an impact. You can put to rest the fear that you were a blip in this other person’s life, a footnote. What you did was important. You hurt somebody, and somebody hurt you.

The Reconciliation Lunch

The Tail-Between-the-Legs Apology Lunch. The Tearful I-Miss.You-I-Made-a-Horrible-Mistake-Can-We-Please-Get-Back-Together-Lunch. It is probably isn’t this, but you should maybe have a plan just in case. Because if it is this, if your former lover has indeed decided that the wasteland that was your relationship is more attractive than the wasteland that is being alone, you have a couple of options and you should consider them both ahead of time. Option A is yes, yes, yes. You can attack that yes with desperate vigour, charge blindly, romantically, hysterically into yes. Take a match to your pride, turn back the clock and pretend this breakup never occurred. You were fools, both of you – you were different people then, you were children. You can make it work this time, because now you will know what it is you could have lost. You are really going to try this time, you swear it, this time you will do everything not in shades of beige and grey but in bold, brilliant, beautiful COLOR.

But then again, maybe you have done a lot of thinking since your split. Maybe you have seen the foolishness of throwing yourself so recklessly headlong into the fray that is this other person. Maybe this was just the splash of cold water that you needed. I mean, let’s be realistic, after all. This is the question and you should have a plan: Do you welcome back love with open arms, or do you, under the auspices of rational thinking, break this person’s heart, like this person broke yours? You should have a plan, but don’t get your hopes up. The lunch probably isn’t going to be this. There are a lot of things this lunch can be, but it almost certainly isn’t this.

The For-Old-Times’-Sake Lunch

If you meet for lunch near one of your apartments, your meal might be a prelude to one more roll in the hay. You know, for old times’ sake. You know, for the sake of the old times. All those old times that would be really disappointing if you didn’t fool around again, you owe it to them. This isn’t a reconciliation, and don’t fool yourself into thinking this is closure. It’s something in the middle. Is it even something? Perhaps, in the loosest sense of the word “something.” It’s not quite something but slightly more than nothing, this.

It’s like a movie adaption of your favourite novel, a theme park ride version of your favourite movie. It’s a shadow of a ghost. It’s gluten-free pasta. But at least it’s pasta.

The Here’s-Your-Stuff-Back Lunch

What more is there to say? The world, it turns out, has continued to exist. The waters have receded. The fires turned to ash. You knew this day would come, but you didn’t want to believe it. The scars have healed, the universe has cooled, the porcupine that is your cautious heart has uncurled itself, put away its quills, and continued on in whatever random direction it was headed. And a sweater has been sitting in someone else’s closet, a barely there reminder of nothing much really.

You had every intention of being depressed forever, but as it turns out, there’s work to be done, meals to eat, movies to see, and errands to run. You meant to be in ruins permanently, your misery a monument, a gash across the cold hard earth, but honestly, who has the time for that? Instead, you survived – apparently; you both did – and things are shockingly okay. But a sweater has been sitting in someone else’s closet. A book perhaps, or a knitted winter cap. The memory of whatever spark you had is rusted, corroded, hardly maintained, and scarcely revisited. This was no great affair, this thing. This was no tragic heartbreak. This was just another thing that happened in a long series of things that happened. Here’s your stuff back. Have a nice life.

.Red and Green Flags.*

*My red and green flags in relationships and in life. Those who get it, get it. Those who don’t are probably added to the red flag list. You’ve probably had a friend who started dating someone who really made you scratch your head. The person…

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