
.The Calm The F*** Down and Breathe – Method.

I am not your typical mom. Far from it actually. Parenting at points still seems strange to me and most of the time I am attempting to figure out what I will do next. There are so many parenting trends, advice and books to get…

.The Turkey is in the Oven, but the Husband is Out the Door.

“Love is a seeking for a way of life; the way that cannot be followed alone; the resonance of all spiritual and physical things.” – Ansel Adams Many marriages grind slowly to a halt. Hers exploded midflight, like a space shuttle torn asunder in the…

.Boring in a benign way, like peeing without being on Instagram.

“And you who loiter around these graves think you know life.” – Edgar Lee Masters There was this idea to start a Ph.D. at the University of Vienna. There was this idea to start working again at my former job. There was this idea to…

.Things I Told Myself I Would Never Say or Do.

“Sit up properly in your chair.” I cry every time I watch Out of Africa, still hoping Robert Redford’s plane won’t take off. “When I was little, cellphones or the internet did not exist.” I curse like a truck driver every time a motherfuckin’ piece…

.A Bowl of Pasta to Regain my Illusion of Control.

Joel: Why do you go to work? Me: They pay me a salary. Joel: ….. Me:….. Joel: I don’t even like celery. My son eats pretty voraciously: eggs, hummus, even steak but sometimes when I clean up after dinner, I notice the vegetables left on…

.Sometimes Hangry – Early lunch at 11.30 am.

“Slowly at first, then all at once”— these Hemingway lines are just one of many literary quotes that I have fallen victim to over-utilization to the point of tedium. But that’s only because it has yet to be associated with the undertaking of routinely eating…

.Guilt &Forgiveness.

I cleaned up my bookshelf and found a letter that I have never sent. I wrote it to someone who was once special in my life. Our break was nothing like the petty, go, gossipy fights I had in childhood, or even the slow drifting…

.In Pretending We Sometimes Forget.

“How brittle and fugitive is all life, how meagrely and fearfully living things carry their spark of warmth through the icy universe.” – Hermann Hesse I moved many times in my life. I have never felt more at home than being back in Europe and…

.Hold It Through The Curves.

I planned on dying alone in a monastery or silent retreat, but then I realized how comfortable I am with myself and with someone else. When is a relationship toxic? When is it time to leave him or her? When is a relationship going well?…

.Come as You are.

Happy Holidays! I want to thank you so much for being here, whether you’ve been reading my blog for years or just stopped by. I’m so grateful for this incredible community of smart, funny, thoughtful readers, and I love your comments so, so much. This year,…

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