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The Book Review: How to Heal Yourself When No One Else Can by Amy B. Scher

Hello and Happy Sunday!  “Everything about well-being sits firmly on this very simple rule I have learned: You must become who you really are. You must bet the real you. That means to love, accept, and be yourself no matter what. I truly believe that straying away from and…


Hello and Happy Saturday!  “We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.” I wrote about mentally growing many times on my blog in one way or the other. This is just…

Five Things.


Hello and Happy Friday!

“I know a guy who’s tough but sweet
He’s so fine, he can’t be beat
He’s got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire
I want candy, I want candy… [….]

First of July. Wow! I have had the most amazing week so far being able to discover Coburg and new places. Petit Joel and I spent tons of time outside in nature and I did not turn the TV on once. Well, television tells lies to your vision anyway, so who cares. Here are my Friday Five’s! Enjoy! 

Reading: I am about to finish Amy B. Scher’s book How to Deal with Yourself when No One Else Can. It is a nice little book and the author talks about self healing for mind, body and spirit. Books like this are right up my alley these days. Next I will read One More Thing by B.J Novak. Also, I have Juli Zeh’s Unter Leuten on my to-read list as well as Bella Mia by Donatella Di Pietrantonio.  

Watching: I enjoyed a documentation about Bill Cunningham who recently passed away. Watch it here if you would like. Je suis Charlie on iTunes was something that made me think and reflect on life a lot. Great movie and highly recommended. 

Discovering/Learning: Watch this amazing O.J. Simpson documentary on ESPN.  The New York Times called it a Masterpiece, which I think it is indeed. 

[The director, Ezra Edelman] is able to give a true, and truly operatic, 360-degree treatment of a story that basically nobody has ever before been able to process except in pieces. There was the way the trial was viewed so differently by black and white audiences, of course, but also all the aspects that could be appreciated only by smaller groups — those savvy about race in American sports, those crusading to make domestic violence an unoverlookable national horror story, those who knew the celebrity cult of Los Angeles and its tabloid-economy underbelly, those who appreciated the coming of reality television, and those who saw the terrible naïveté of a country trying to reckon with centuries of racial injustice by turning the trial of a single man into a national morality play. Simpson’s trial was always bigger than him, bigger than sports, bigger than celebrity, bigger than anyone realized at the time. It has taken 21 years for someone to capture what the trial was really about — everything it was about.

 I found out about the restaurant Alte Henne in Ahorn (Hohenstein) and would love to try it. Sounds amazing. Also, this cocktail sounds amazing. 

Thinking About: I just came back from the Reiki Seminar. Today, it started with a little introduction. I don’t want (and simply cannot due to lack of understanding at this point) to write too much about it. I simply know that energy work is good for me. It makes me discover myself in a way I did not know before. It makes me love myself 100% unconditionally. Usually, my quickest fix when I was feeling a little off was to sleep, hydrate or laugh which worked fine sometimes. But with Reiki I discovered so many new ways that are even more fantastic. If you every get a chance to try it, and of course if you are open to try something new, do it. Simply do it. 

Looking Forward to: The movie The Innocents. Watch the trailer here if you would like. 

“Warsaw, December 1945: the second World War is finally over and French Red Cross doctor Mathilde (Lou de Laage) is treating the last of the French survivors of the German camps. When a panicked Benedictine nun appears at the clinic begging Mathilde to follow her back to the convent, what she finds there is shocking: a holy sister about to give birth and several more in advanced stages of pregnancy. A non-believer, Mathilde enters the sisters’ fiercely private world, dictated by the rituals of their order and the strict Rev. Mother (Agata Kulesza, Ida). Fearing the shame of exposure, the hostility of the occupying Soviet troops and local Polish communists and while facing an unprecedented crisis of faith, the nuns increasingly turn to Mathilde as their beliefs and traditions clash with harsh realities.”

Have a Great Weekend.

Single Tasking.

Hello and Happy Thursday!  While typing this, I read Facebook messages, record a message on WhatsApp for my brother and have a book waiting to be read next to me. I also wait for the bling-sound of an email from the University that I will…

How to: Fly With a Toddler.

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  I travel quite a lot with my family. For one because le husband is stationed in Congo; and soon Somalia. If he wants to see us we fly halfway, he flies all the way or we fly all the way to…



Hello and Happy Tuesday!

It is Tuesday evening and I am sitting in the kitchen, after arriving home late. My mom, son and I spent the afternoon in the city and mostly on the playground which was so much fun. I have a huge glass of water next to me trying not to fall asleep. The plan was to get Petit Joel tired but he went down on that slide fifty times easily, not getting enough. We are exhausted. However, I am enjoying this very quiet silence at night, staying up late to write and think without interruptions. Everybody is asleep already. 

So I sit and think. Let this great day reflect and the thing on my mind is mostly happiness. What makes me happy? What makes me feel alive? Spending time with people I love. Spending time with my mom and talking for hours. This is what we did today. I realize that I am at a really sweet spot in my life, being fortunate to spend time with my parents, stay with them for so long and most importantly getting along with them. Not every day is happy sunshine; everybody is in a bad mood here and there. But overall, we arrange and live together really well. It is just a big gift to have a mom like I do. While we sipped our cappuccinos and ate fresh macarons, I thought about all these times my mom was there for me already.  All those times I can still remember. It has been so many. Those times she was there for me before anybody else. My mom said to me the other days that she likes to read my posts, especially when I was not in Germany, so she can follow along what is going on in my life. Pretty sweet. She is follower number one for sure! 


She encourages me to write and follow my dreams no matter what. And that I am okay the way I am. She supports me with infinite love which makes her so special to me. She told me I will always have my home (base) to return to no matter what.  

Today, I received a phone call from a friend who’s mother is in hospital. Cancer. Spread already. Chemo won’t change anything, the doctor said. I feel sad for my friend, thinking about my mom and how she just brought me some strawberries and peas from the garden before she went to bed. Everything could be over in a heartbeat. I treasure this great mom/daughter friendship we have and I am grateful. Time fighting is wasted. We all only have ONE mom! A week flies by so quickly; and so does life. I haven’t been the best daughter always. I made mistakes and so did my mom. But we can talk it over while having a decent conversation – like last Saturday, until 3 am in the kitchen! Thank you for all those communications we already had. And thank you for today. 

Life is busy. It always will be, right? We are rushing around blindly many times to figure out, we weren’t fast enough to say something important to someone, to apologize, to realize we only have this one shot and maybe shouldn’t be that judgmental. Be fast enough.

I love you, Mama! We are mother and daughter. Thank you for being you. 

Where to Go in Coburg: Café Babbel – The Family Café.

Hello and Happy Monday!  You have a child and still want to enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a piece of cake without interruption outside of your home? Cafe Babbel is the place you need to go. Win-win for mom and child! Many times…

The Book Review: Half Empty by David Rakoff.

“We are disclosing animals, wired for unburdening. It’s what we do as a species. When I am being told, I listen, mindful of the honor, remembering all the while that the shore would be mistaken to believe that the waves lap up against him because…

A Night Out With Petit Joel.


Hello and Happy Saturday! 

My parent’s friends live in a tiny village and have the most amazing BBQ’s and a fireplace to die for every year around summer solstice. This year we were lucky to be here and enjoy it one more time. My son had a blast. He usually is the happiest once he is in nature so he was in his territory. He is all up for the new, unexplored and discovery. He ran around most of the time and enjoyed nature. Also he played hang drum and didgeridoo with my dad. Pretty good for a 2 1/2  year-old. 

Here are some pictures. Enjoy!

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 You know how to play the hang drum or the didgeridoo? My dad is pretty good at it.  I would love to hear from you. 

Five Things.

Hello and Happy Friday!  This week flew by in a heartbeat. Joel and I spent a lot of time outside in the sun, reading, playing and discovering. Have you read my latest post – Joel and the Burqa? Funny little story that is however pretty thought-provoking.…

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