This is cartoon-me on the couch! haha! The weekend is around the corner. I don’t get this awesome weekend feeling because I am not back at work yet. What I did have was a major homesick flash and this is why I published my recent post. It is weird, but to call a place “home” is strange to me. I am not home here in Connecticut either. It is just a transition of sort and okay for the time being. I am happy here; but not as content because my husband is not with us. And of course it would be nice if my family would be close by. My son and I have the beach, friends, the playgrounds, our daily activities of shopping, exploring the area and each other. But honestly, what I miss the most is having time for myself without worrying what my son is up to. I know that when he is sleeping at night he is fine. (Not so much now that he is sick from the stupid vaccinations he received but usually he sleeps right trough the night). But I am never alone without this feeling of constant responsibility, you know. It is tough sometimes. I wish I could just be at a library or bookstore and read and enjoy “ME-TIME”. Or a nice massage or mani/pedi… you know, stuff women do! So my nights are literally planned thoroughly. I have a couple of hours to do everything I need to get done. Maintenance of this website, writing, reading, emails and researching. So you want to know what we did all week? Stay tuned.
Enjoying: My son. He and I were sick most of this week so we have spent some time together on the couch. I was able with the help of some homeopathic medicine to not have this cold break out entirely which is great! This stuff really helps me. I will write about it soon. I almost got nothing done though; especially maintenance on my website. The WPML plug that is supposed to translate my articles is not doing what it should do. I don’t know how to fix it and I officially surrender to WPML. If you know this stuff or know anybody who knows please let me know. Also, I just thought it is more important to spend time one the couch with my son; watching Chuggington and Peppa Pig than reading or writing. <3
Watching: This awesome interview with Patti Smith. Okay, I am officially obsessed with Patti Smith but she is just so awesome. Do you know the painter George Seurat? Do you know this painting?
Let me enlighten you. The painting is called “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte” by the painter George Seurat. Sunday in the Park with George is also a musical than I am watching and re-watching because of the awesome soundtrack. The musical is about Seurat painting his masterpiece and the people in the painting throughout the music. A Sunday afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte by George Seurat is literally on of the greatest paintings in the world. The painting depicts people gathering on an island at the Seine and the musical goes beyond all this by simply describing her lives. The play is about commitment to painting, art and love. Seurat is famous for connecting dots to create art. Take a closer look at the painting above. All tiny dots! 😉
Purchase this video on iTunes or Amazon if you enjoy this! Writing this reminded me how much I adore musicals. It is something special to see people acting in front of you on a stage. “All the world’s a stage. And all the men and women are merely players” – William Shakespeare. One of my favorite musicals hand’s down is Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town”.
Reading: These days I am still reading “City of Thorns” by Ben Rawlence. It is just not a simple read and I have to re-read many pages. I am also reading “The Five Times I Met Myself” by James L. Rubart and “I will see you in Paris” by Michelle Gable as an ebook. I don’t really like ebooks. Do you like them? I just love to have a book in my hands. A real book with pages and this book smell. (only book lovers will understand). Today I received “the life-changing magic of tidying up” by Marie Kondo. I guess I hopped on this bandwagon after all. Having read so many books on decluttering ones life and home and minimalism, this was the last one I haven’t read. I finished it today at the beach.
Exploring: The Mall with a two-year old without a stroller. Well, let me put it this way – it is hard and difficult! All I wanted to get was a winter jacket for myself and a cup of coffee. Sounds simple but it was not! All he wanted was to go up and down the escalator and elevator one million times with no interest in anything else really. I got my jacket finally but it was not a pleasant experience. Trying on a piece of clothing while he climbs everything possible and takes down whatever he can grab is not the best shopping experience. Trying to endure the looks of the personnel in the store I finally paid for my jacket dragging my son out of there while he screamed. Note to myself: clothes shopping for myself in peace with a two-year old simply NOT happening. At least not peacefully and sane!
Planning: Halloween trick or treating at my friend’s house and neighborhood in Carmel/New York. So far my son looks like this:
The funniest part about this is that he thinks he is a butterfly. Well, I guess that works out fine no? “Whatever he wants to be he can be”, my sister said. 😉
Thank you for reading my blog. Happy Halloween and have a great weekend!