You really Want this Sweater, don’t you?

Saving, saving and saving some more money! It is important to me to have money in my saving account. It just gives me a great feeling to know when and if something happens, I am on the safe side money wise. I am not talking about credit cards here because those I don’t like to use at all. I still think that ‘if I don’t have the money, or the money is not mine, I don’t spend it’. Simple as that. I wait until I do have the means to purchase what I want or I don’t buy it. I just don’t like debt and the credit card rates are insane!

Today, I would like to write an article on how to treat yourself and splurge once in a while because this is important too. It is okay to spend money on something you want. We are all humans and we love nice things. Treating yourself to something special once in a while can help to save money in the end. Think about it this way: You are on a diet and are fine with it but you crave muffins. You have a muffin once a week and you stick to your diet. Could work no? Maybe this helps you to stay committed to saving money the rest of the week. Well, it sort of works for me.

Here are some tips I would like to share.

You do want this skirt or sweater? Go trough your closet first. Look at all your things you already have and see what still has sentimental value. What do you still wear or what haven’t you worn in forever? Or never! Then decide if you still want that skirt or sweater. Maybe you actually ‘found’ a skirt in your closet. Do the same with your kids closets. My son does not have too many clothes and I tend to keep it that way. I rather wash more often. He grows out of them so quickly it is insane. And having 30 different sweaters is just insane. How many does he actually wear? Usually the same ones over and over, right? If you sorted out your closets and see this huge pile of clothing think about the money you spent right there.

If I splurge on something I rather spend money on experiences than on things. But this is just me. If I have the option/decision to make of buying some clothes or going out to dinner and a movie with a friend I would clearly prefer the dinner/movie option.

Whatever you want to buy, ask yourself if this makes you truly happy and if you really need this item. Many times in the store I end up not buying a certain item just because of this simple question. Weird, but works for me and saves me money.

I would like to add that treating yourself or splurges should not be paid for with a credit card. You treat yourself to something nice after you know everything else is paid for and taken care of. My husband and I are working on building a financial stable and secure life for our family because we have a couple of big projects coming up.

This is an interesting video that I would like to share. Not necessarily about treating yourself or splurging but indirectly it is. Watch it if you would like. Or visit their website to find out more.

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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