And Happy Friday! The weekend is around the corner. Some great updates from me and my family will follow soon. I just want to say that I have the best time with ever and enjoy every single day. This is the most important thing for me these days. To know that my husband is with us and we are healthy and able to be together. I always write about him and it seems we have no arguments ever. Of course we do. Maybe it is because we don’t see each other that much due to his mission assignment in Africa but I must say that we really don’t argue that much. It is just easy smooth sailing and I love it. The only one who freaks out once in a while in a perfect situation is me. No clue why. Maybe because there is ONE thing I want and I can have it and I forget how awesome everything else is? Then I turn into a bitch. Thankfully, this really only happens once in a while. Like once a month hahahah…. poor husband because it is seriously never his fault! My Five Things – read on if you would like:
Thinking about: My family and balance. Today, my husband took our son to the beach and spent at least two hours with him building sandcastles while I worked on my blog. This was awesome. I loved it and enjoyed every minute. I sat in a café, the friendly waitress was asked for automatic coffee refill send to my table and I typed along. I thought how fun it is to really do my thing and write but I know how much I love to spend time with my son and husband. The key is to find a balance and make it all work. I love to spend time with them and have the freedom to work on my blog and create new things and write. It was awesome after two hours of writing to see both of them again. I was so happy and it felt good. I know that I will always write but I know now that I will do it in a way where I feel good and it is all balanced.
I am also thinking about this and that it is so true. I clearly see my husband here 100%:
and that, not so much my husband but I see it everywhere:
Just a little reminder! 🙂
Eating: Do you know what Ceviche is? Here is the link. I love this food. Let’s say I have eaten a lot of it lately and will share some more insight soon. I don’t like meat too much but I do love seafood (which is meat in a way too, but c’mon, you gotta live, right!) I just cannot say no. Especially not when it is raw – or sometimes raw 😉
Reading: I just finished Whoopi Goldberg’s book “If someone says ‘You complete me,’ RUN!” which was a great read. Check out my slightly different Book Review here. I started “The Heart goes Last” by Margaret Atwood recently but I have not finished it yet. I review will follow soon.
Watching: The Human Stain. Another one of my favorite movies. Watch it if you get a chance! Otherwise, check out all these movies on my list that I would love to see.
Enjoying: This season. Fall, winter and Christmas. Well, for me, Christmas means to be with my family and nothing else. To be home, to eat good food and have the people you love the most around you and preferably no fights or arguments.
In my family we don’t give gifts to each other. My son gets one gift but that is it. I just don’t believe in all this insanity of buying something for everyone and the stress that is involved. In the end most of what you give will be returned anyway or not worn, or put somewhere to collect dust. I have the same feeling about any “holiday” let’s say. Valentine’s Day? C’mon. Seriously? You have to make a big thing out of this one day to show you love your significant other? I could not care less. Love me the rest of the year and I am fine. All these holiday are the same. You feel obligated to buy something for someone. It stresses people out and I just don’t like all that. I mean, of course, when you have kids, it is nice to have something small for them. Like one gift but to get something for EVERYONE in your family? C’mon…. get real. And then the hassle to return everything. If you want to give something, give money or a voucher so the person can purchase whatever they need and want. And do not stress any further. Simple. Really think about it. From my minimalist perspective, it is all just a waste of time and money. Rather spent time with your family and not going shopping for stuff that nobody needs. Really think about it.
Thank you for reading my blog.