Five Things

Hello and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

I literally did not know what day it is when I just sat down to start writing. Usually on Fridays, I post Five Things which I love to write every week. But with all the eating, family parties, Christmas, preparations and hanging with and enjoying the family I lost track of my writing schedule. Now I am back on track however. I just love writing too much to miss a day of not posting something, you know. It is my hobby but if it is just one of those days and I feel that something else is more important than I might miss a day. I love writing the Five Things because the round up the week nicely. Read on what I have been up to.

Reading: Currently I am still enjoying Drew Barrymore’s Wildflower and Herman Koch’s The Dinner. Herman Koch’s book is great so far and of course I always loved Drew Barrymore since seeing E.T. when I was a child. Otherwise, I read a plethora of other blogs and article from  the New York Times online. Check out this video about Drew Barrymore’s book:

Writing: Thinking about when and how to start my book. I have a bunch of ideas but I might need a kick in the butt (Jean?) and finally sit down and start. I might change the plot throughout my writing adventure but I know starting to write it is the most difficult part for me. Writing is my true passion and I knew this for a long time – ever since I started writing a diary. Writing a book and publishing it is on my bucket list and would be a dream come true. Who knows what the future brings but I believe I can get there with my passion for writing and reading. 

Enjoying: My brother and his girlfriend. Both left today after spending four days here with us at my parent’s house.  She is sweet, smart,  a great person and I think my brother feels good and content around her. Nadine knows literally everything about horses and dogs. She works in the field of homeopathy and osteopathy and other treatment for animals. Check out her website here to find out more.  Welcome to the family Nadine! It was nice meeting you!  <3

Also, I do enjoy this video. Udo Jürgens wrote some damn good songs. 

Thinking about: All the upcoming trips we planned for 2016. My husband and I travel a lot. We did before we had our son and nothing changed ever since. We just love it. The anticipation before a trip, the packing and daydreaming about the place we will be heading to is so amazing. Then of course, getting there and all the new impressions, the food, the new culture makes us happy. I don’t ever want to change this and as long as I am able to travel and explore new places I will. I know 2016 will be a great traveling-year for us.

Watching: We all watched EPIC together in 3D. We have so many 3D glasses at home and we were all able to enjoy this great movie. Even my son had his glasses on 😉

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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