I hope you all had a great start of 2016! Headache? Party? Well, let me tell you what I did. I celebrated New Year with my parents and my son. That is it. My husband flew back to Congo on Wednesday evening and my son and I stayed at my parents house in Germany. I am not into these huge New Years Parties anymore for the simple reason that I like it rather quiet and calm. Clubs, huge celebrations – been there, done that. Out of a sudden it has become pretty cold in Germany. We had some ice rain/light snow that gives the impression that it is winter after all. We took long winter-walks, with hot tea in a thermos and pretzels, my son bundled up in the stroller and enjoyed that it seemed we were the only ones out there in the cold. Then we came back in, fired up the oven and curled on the couch – mostly with a good book. What else could I ask for? Well, maybe that my husband would be still here. What I been up to? Read my Five Things for this week. Enjoy!
Listening to: The Minimalist Podcast. I love them. This podcast is still available for free now so click on it and listen if you want! I do like Iron Maiden. Unfortunately, I have never seen them in concert, (Hello to my friend Alex Konopka who has seen them live approximately one million times and has all the albums). Check out this amazing Iron Maiden Documentary here . I also listen to Motörhead. If you haven’t heard: Ian Fraser “Lemmy” Kilmister ( 24 December 1945- 28 December 2015) died. At some point I was a huge fan of Motörhead. Great memories of an Après Ski night in Austria with my Motörhead T-shirt on while drinking Jagertea. Check out their documentary and keep in mind: “You win some – you lose some”:
Watching: I am still waiting for the movie Room to be released on iTunes or Amazon so I can watch it online. See the trailer of this amazing movie:
Everybody here in Germany talks about The Walking Dead and Season 6. I haven’t seen any good series lately, have you? Can you recommend one? I am not quite convinced of The Walking Dead to start Season 1. I loved Breaking Bad and Nurse Jackie and Californication.
Eating: I love sushi and I was happy to find out that this Sushi Restaurant opened in Coburg. I tested it today with my friend Michaela and it was just great. Fresh, tasty and good sushi. If you like sushi, you won’t be disappointed! I will review this place soon and post more pictures. Like their Facebook page and find out what they have on the menu. Otherwise, I have been eating way too much and will slow down this eating-insanity that only really happens during the holidays.
Drinking: On our way out after dinner, I found out about Fame – Frozen Cocktails Bar & Lounge which is right next to the Sushi Restaurant – Badergasse 3 in Coburg. This place seems amazing. We did not try their cocktails yet but I had a nice chat with the owner, Timothy Person who is actually from Long Island New York. How small the world is, right? I will most certainly stop by soon to have one of their amazing cocktails and maybe write a review.
Thinking about: How fortunate I am to be here in Coburg with my son again. My parents, Joel and I had the most relaxing and yummy Raclette last night and it felt so good to sit in the kitchen and talk, drink and eat. With all the upcoming projects my husband and I have in the next couple of months and for 2016, it is good to have a bit of calming and quiet time at home. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for reading my blog.