I just wanted to share a quick update on my little “no-alcohol-for-a-week-challenge”. If you are not aware of what “Thirst”-Day is, read my previous article here. One week flew by like nothing but I do have to say that it was not that easy to completely stop drinking alcohol. The first day was a piece of cake but on the second day I did think about drinking again quite a lot. At night I wanted a glass of wine badly when I wrote. I went to bed early. I woke up the next day and felt awesome. Well rested with a sharp mind. My face looked different, too. Not bloated and no dark circles. As I previously said, I did not drink a bottle of vodka at night but 2-3 glasses of wine and I stayed up until 1am-2am. Not every day, but every other day for sure.
It is just amazing how my body got used to alcohol, or used to the feeling of relaxation when I drank. I replaced my glass of wine with a cup of tea and it is okay.
What did I learn after this challenge?
I most certainly don’ t have to drink to relax or wind- down after a long stressful day. A cup of tea did the trick for me at night and it was a-okay. Some of my “friends” told me that they think it is weird to not drink alcohol and encouraged me constantly to just have one drink. It definitely felt strange to not drink when I was at the restaurant/bar. I heard sentences like “but how can you have fun if you don’t have alcohol”. Well, I did have fun, especially observed how people change while they drink. 😉 I already mentioned during the week that my sleep improved immensely. It feels so awesome to wake up rested and without hangover. I did get hangovers sometimes even after 2-3 glasses of wine. Or Campari/Soda 😉 Or both! It feels like a normal sleeping rhythm comes back. I am starting to yawn by 11pm these days. My body just naturally wants to rest at some point. When I wake up, I feel energized and refreshed!
My husband says I am less sad and I think so as well. I am not depressed at all but I did get sad about certain things. Since I think more clearly, I rather try to find the positive in everything than being a negative Nancy. It does feel good I have to say! There are so many new writing projects that popped into my mind and I have this feeling that I get more done because I can think more clearly. I like that. I did lose 2.5 kg this week which is a nice side-effect as well. Yay, to melting winter pounds! I love how my skin feels. Whenever I drank my skin felt like a sponge the next day. Just weird, dehydrated and irritated with redness or sometimes pimples. I read once that usually when something is wrong inside your body it shows on your skin first. To give my liver a nice break is a good thing for sure, too! Whenever I meditate now, my thoughts are clearer and less all over the place. I find it easier to unwind and relax now and I don’t get stressed out that easily.
What will happen next?
I never thought I would say that, but I stick with the not-drinking alcohol for a bit longer. I don’t say I never ever drink again but I see how much better I feel these days. It is fantastic, you guys. I also won’t say my beloved red wine goodbye and I will most certainly enjoy a glass again at some point but I detox a bit more. It is all good.
What do you think about the challenge? Have you tried stop drinking alcohol for a while? Would you try it? I would love to hear from you.
Thank you for reading my blog.