PUR PUR, Die Ölmühle 1899


“Kein Genuss ist vorübergehend, denn der Eindruck den er zurücklässt, ist bleibend.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Do you like good oil? Like really good oil? I posted an article on one of my favorite oils ever – linseed oil. These days you can buy Linseed oil almost everywhere and so many different brands as well. But let me tell you, they are not all that good. Especially if the expiration date is over one year. This means, chemicals are added for sure! I was more than happy when my mom told me about an oil mill in Haig/Kronach where you can purchase freshly pressed linseed oil, many others oils and healthy yummy things. The store owner Cindy and René Langner prepare highly nutritious oils made of organic seeds and nuts which is raw quality as they state. They press these oils under 37 degrees celsius and fill it by hand in in violett glass to protect it from light. 

You can add their oils to almost any type of food. Desserts, Cake, Ice cream, fruit, salads and dips but they also inform you that you should not cook with any other oil BUT coconut oil. Linseed oil should never be heated!!! I wrote an article on how I make my own hand/face cream and I do use their almond oil and sometimes coconut oil which means I could theoretically eat my cream, hah! 

How do I store my oils?

My linseed oil had been literally made a couple of hours before I arrived at the store and is very fresh. To guarantee the freshness of the oil you need to store it in the fridge. All other oils can be stored at room temperature but not exposed to straight sunlight. If you want to store coconut oil you have to decide if you want the oil to be liquid or sort of hard. Coconut oil stored over 25+ degree becomes liquid! My beloved linseed oil expires after two (2!) months, even when stored in the fridge. Yep, that kind of fresh! Cindy and René Langner also inform that a brown residue might build up at the bottom of any oil bottle they fill up for you. This is just a mark of quality and can be eaten as well. The most important part is that their oil is pure. Nothing added. Amazing! 

They offer a plethora of different oils. Some of them you probably have never heard of. I never tried mustard oil for example or black cumin oil. See their website here for details. 

How do I get there? 


Am Obstgarten 7

96342 Stockheim-Haig

Tel.: 09261/9663290



The store is open every Thursday from 3pm-7pm. You can order or pick up oils also after calling first!

Thank you for reading my blog. 

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