

Hello and Happy Saturday! 

“We have a tendency to want the other person to be a finished product while we give ourselves the grace to evolve.”

I wrote about mentally growing many times on my blog in one way or the other. This is just one big theme here  because I think it is so important. There is so much out there that is interesting and worth discovering and learning. I also know that all I really need, I already have. The basics, you know. I think this is a great way to look at life. Just take a little assessment of your life right now. I would guess you have enough food, shelter, clothes (and usually way more than you need) and other basic necessities. I also guess you have someone who loves you or someone who cares about you. Family, friends and whatnot. Aren’t you quite comfortable, or mostly comfortable with what you have? 

Many don’t see life this way. They are miserable and constantly look for more. More materialistic things, more possessions, more entertainment and more gadgets to take their mind and thoughts off trying to find out who they really are. I did this for the longest time too; however, I am on a little different path now. These days I appreciate every single moment. Every single moment of being alive and I don’t take it for granted. I had been reminded of all this again because I have spoken to a  friend who’s father is very very sick and the Reiki Seminar I am attending this weekend. What actions can we take to help us remember that all we have is all we need? 

Stop complaining about things. Appreciating what I have in my life (food, possessions…) and enjoying the simple moments (those without entertainment) works best for me. 

Respect. Respecting others and giving everybody this respect we would like to receive. And live and let live. 

Meditation. I meditate daily for a while now and I just learned some great new techniques to calm down, relax and find inner peace. Amazing stuff. 

For me it is still hard sometimes to be in the present and being grateful all the time. Just think about all the distractions every single day and all that is going on – especially family/internal stories. I am getting better and better at it though because it is a process I am willing to focus on. I am willing to learn and evolve. Also feeling good about myself and who I am is important to become a greater version of myself. Thinking more clearly about the choices I make and why I make them is on the agenda. Life constantly moves on, it ebbs and flows every single day. I discover insecurities and successful or failed friendships; however we are all connected like in a spiderweb. One link falls, the spiderweb is destroyed. What I have discovered about myself so far: I see myself more clearly. I like what I see and it feels good to be in the here and now. I also learned that I let others be exactly how they want to be. Whatever makes them happy is fine with me. I don’t want to change anybody. If someone asks for advice on how I do things or on why things work for me in certain ways I am glad to help. 

I will forgive an move on. See the good in people and uplift other. I want to be a light for people who need one and accept anybody for who they are, meet ideas and things with some type of curiosity rather than being judgmental. Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe – it is important who you surround yourself with. You have this urge to gossip? Talk about clothing for hours? Talk about nothing meaningful or rather spend time with people who uplift you and make you grow – mentally and spiritually? Whatever you chose, as long as it is okay with you and you are not feeling unsure about your own self. If we only point at both – mistakes and flaws in others, it is simply only distracting from our own stuff we struggle with and so it won’t feel so heavy and obvious. 

Changing and growing one single inch and just a little closer to my best self – whatever I envisioned and giving others the permission to be free too, that is a pretty thing. 

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