Five Things.


Spin wheel by Mischa Schenkel 

Hello and Happy Friday!

Saaaaambaaaa in Coburg. Awesome! I just came back home with a cab (yep, they have cabs in Coburg) after a fantastic evening/night with my friends Martina and Uwe. I was not able to attend Samba in Coburg for many years because there was always something else going on. Last year we traveled to Martinique. Not bad either I would say. The music, the rhythm and food were just a great experience that I will never forget. The Samba dancers/performers had this vibe and sent out love that sucked the audience in and kept them there for a while. I had goosebumps and started to move automatically. Thanks to both of you to let me enjoy this evening with you! I will always remember this great experience. On my way home I had a pretty good conversation with the cab driver. He asked me, “Hey, I saw you in the newspaper a couple of months ago. Is this you? With the UN, police, US and Canada?” So sweet. Sometimes I wish a cab ride would never end because there is so much more to say. If you read this: Thank you for taking me home safely, dear Mr. Cabdriver/Cop!  What I have been up to otherwise, read on if you would like. 

Reading:  I finished Bella Mia by Donatella Di Pietrantonia and liked it. Entertaining, thought-provoking read. Currently I am reading Unterleuten by Juli Zeh. This book on the other hand blows my mind. Absolute awesomeness. I still cannot believe that I never heard or read anything by Juli Zeh before. Crazy how some amazing authors are just out there and even though I read like crazy, stay undetected – well, until now, hah! 

Watching: Je suis Charlie which is really intense. “This new documentary by the father-and-son directing team of Daniel and Emmanuel Leconte pays tribute to the 11 journalists of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo who were killed in the January 2015 attack by radical Islamic extremists.” To see what people are capable of, all this destruction and sadness – horrible! Jiro Dreams of Sushi on Netflix. So awesome! 

 Discovering/Learning: I am addicted to sushi. Love, love, love it and when I discover a new sushi restaurant I am in heaven. Here are some that I tested and highly recommend: Sushi Yasuda on 204 East 43rd Street. Reservation needed. Hands down the best sushi I had so far. OKONOMI/YUJI Ramen 150 Ainslie Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Great place! In Coburg, Sushi Bar is great! I wrote a review here. 

Thinking About: That I have to stop living in the mind and start living in the heart more often.  The heart does not know fear until you think about it. Thoughts are text messages. Whatever I focus on I give energy to and I need to focus on what elevates me. I don’t give the red-carpet treatment to people who don’t serve me. Whenever I allow someone else to give me value I loose confidence. The secret is to let go of societies expectations. I cannot please everyone. It is impossible. I am creating my own reality. 

Looking Forward to: Reading One More Thing by B.J. Novak. This book has been on my to-read pile for the longest time. I will dive into it soon. I am also looking forward to traveling to Canada by the end of the month. Things are taking shape slowly. A lot of planning, talking, deciding and calculating but our dreams come true eventually. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to my parents – even though it is really needed in a way to give them their regular life back in a way. We have been here for almost three years now. So will will part with one sad and one happy eye. I always keep in mind that there are options like Skype, FaceTime, Emails and plane rides that are not even that long to keep in touch. Thankfully, there is technology that makes it all possible. I am looking forward to our US trip with my brother and Nadine (Glitzer). I love both so much and cannot wait to spend time with them and my family. Awesome projects coming up and tons to write about. Stay tuned!  

Have a lovely weekend! 

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