Hello and Happy Tuesday!
You thought this would be a pregnancy announcement, right? Sorry, haha! I have to disappoint you here! This won’t happen at this point, simply because I haven’t seen le husband in two months, I won’t cheat on him and after another tantrum-filled day I really had the urge to write about this whole idea of having another baby. For the longest time, I did not want to have any children. Ever! My life felt good the way it was. Studying, alone, traveling you name it. Then I met le husband and for the first time, the idea of getting pregnant did not instantly make me throw up. We talked about having a child pretty soon in our relationship and I was fine with it. It felt right but not so soon. First I wanted to live and enjoy life with him however. And we did. We did it all, believe me. It was fun. And at some point, something was missing. Not really missing per se, but a child would have made our life perfect – just being this happy, little family. This all sounds so great and feels so good in theory.
Now, since Petit Joel is in our life, I honestly had days where I consider leaving him at Småland at IKEA. Most days are fine (when he possibly tries to collect bonus points for days like today. Of course and obviously, I would not ever leave him at Småland – or would I? 🙂 [Have you ever shopped at IKEA and wondered why staff call parents to please pick up their kids at Småland and they keep calling but nothing happens? Those parents are long time gone. Spinning wheels at the parking lot and heading to the ocean-gone! And those kids then build your bookshelf LEKSVIK that you purchase at IKEA at some point. This is my opinion, I could be wrong!]
So some days I think that maybe, possibly, there could be a slight chance of having baby number 2; however, those moments are very “very” rare and far or almost completely erased from my mind on really hard parenting-tantrum days. When I listen to my heart, it says that it would be nice for Petit Joel to have a sibling. Like one more; but that is it. Then, I am thinking how much easier it all gets, now that he will turn three in October. He is diaper free for two weeks now, so this chapter is over (for now). He can talk and speak clearly and fluently in two languages. Things are getting easier and I love this age and stage he is at right now. Thinking about doing it all over again: diapers, nursing, sleepless nights and crying makes me cough slightly, pour myself another glass of wine and get a good book from my bookshelf.
Looking back at newborn and baby pictures when Petit Joel was just a couple of days old, gives me this warm, comfortable feeling. Those teeny tiny baby days and that I was able and fortunate to experience his first steps makes me appreciate my life and having had him with me all this time. Without daycare, nanny and whatnot. I am looking forward to what comes next. How four-year old Petit Joel will be? How he will look, how his vocabulary will grow and his mind.
These days, I am excited about the move, about the University, about Petit Joel joining the Montessori Kindergarten and everything else new that is around the corner. A pregnancy would definitely not fit into all this; but will it ever? I know that there is never the right timing whenever it comes to planning for a baby because it is always something, right? School and studying, move, new environment, husband gone on mission, you name it. Let’s see what happens. It is all good, no matter how it turns out. Life is good. We are healthy, happy and so so fortunate the way everything is right here and now.
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