Let’s Play and Discover.


Hello and Happy Wednesday! 

We have been all over Ottawa these days. Looking at houses, filling out forms, getting ID’s, signing things and overall it was okay but stressful at points! But we did well. In the meantime, it is important to realize that there should be always some downtime to play and give everybody some rest. So after a long day, we all ended up at the playground/water park and Petit Joel had the best time ever. He is such a trooper. He has his occasional tantrums, mostly when he is hungry or tired. The time-change still messes with his rhythm and he gets really cranky at points. Well, he will be fine. I filled out tons of papers for his preschool spot and he and I are looking forward to this new adventure. There is not one day he won’t mentioned preschool and if we can – pleeeeeease, mommy, drop him off there. Soon the time will come. Let’s see how he feels about it when I leave and he stays at the preschool without me. I am not worried because things will work out and be fine. Just good vibes here so far. The daycare teacher told me everything I need to know, bring and pay attention to. It is a lot, but I am glad, Petit Joel is at this particular preschool place. He will have fun all day and I will have time to study. When I will pick him up, I cannot wait to hear his stories. 

When moving to a new town or country, discovering restaurants and food is something I most certainly enjoy. The other day we had lunch at Moxie’s Grill & Bar and the food was fantastic. I ate the Salmon & Avocado Cobb Salad. Yum! 

Today, we had lunch at the Local Public Eatery and this place definitely rocked. The music that played at the restaurant (Snoop Dogg and much more!!) was already great but when our food arrived I started wiping away tears. The veggie burger blew my mind. Awesomeness and foodporn on one plate. Also, the entire area where the restaurant is located is gorgeous. Parks that invite to take a nice walk after lunch are pretty much everywhere. How can a city be that green and people be that friendly? I love Canada! 


I had tears in my eyes one more time today. It happened in the morning when I discovered the University library on Campus. Five floors full of books that kept me speechless. I talked to a very friendly woman at the help desk who explained the entire library system to me. If you love books, studying and university life you know what I am talking about here. Angel sounds played in my head while I browsed through aisles and aisles of bookshelves packed with knowledge. Sigh! 

So far, things are working out pretty well for us here in Canada. I think it is a good sign and makes me realize that it was indeed the right choice to make this move. Let’s see what the next days will bring. 

I would love to hear from you. Do you live in Canada/Ottowa? Any recommendations what I have to see, do, experience and explore with my family? 

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