I have lost some weight (yay!) because of my new eating habits and thought about starting running again more often or taking some Yoga classes to get back in shape. I enjoy running a lot but Yoga helps me to relax more. I searched for Yoga classes in my neighborhood but haven’t found anything I really enjoy or what would work with my University schedule next semester.
I remember the time when I tried Bikram Yoga for the first time in New York. I thought, let’s try this, I thought. Could be awesome, I thought. With a blue yoga mat and my yoga outfit I was on time for the first session. The teacher told us to “relax” on the floor on our mats until all the students were here. I remember, I walked there directly from college so I was tired, exhausted, pretty numb and it was late in the evening. While I almost fell asleep on my mat I reckoned that this will be a nice, relaxing Yoga session even though I saw half-naked people all around me. It is New York after all. This is fine. Nothing is weird. I remember, one woman at Yoga practice who put honey and oil all over her body before she put her pants and shirt back on. If anyone would have worn a Krusty the Clown outfit throughout this Bikram Yoga Session , it would have been fine; honestly.
At this point thought, I thought that Bikram Yoga means something like swinger-club-atmosphere because everybody took off layers and layers of clothing suddenly. I was still on my mat and observed what will happen next. I also removed my glasses pretty quickly [which made me blind as a bat] because the room had gotten severely HOT it seemed. Where is the comfortable incense or the candle? My little water-filled KleanKanteen bottle sat patiently next to me. Suddenly, it had gotten even warmer in the room. My pupils and even my sweat sweated. It felt like my intestines were on fire. Downward facing dog… what did I sign up for? The instructor who was also almost naked just stood on a little platform it seemed, giving instructions to us via headset. He just constantly mentioned that we all need to feel our breath and keep listening to it. I just whispered to myself, “Just feel my pulse at this point, damnit!” My pulse sounds like my mom’s sewing machine that somehow found a way to live in my intestines. Is this healthy? Is this good for me? Additionally, I feel a bit dizzy or on the verge to pass out – WHY is it so warm in here? I have to drink, I need water, water is life.
I pick up my water bottle while everybody else rests in “Child’s pose”. The bottle is gliding through my sweaty hands like a bar of soap. Water, I need more water. This heat is killing me. I thought about melting icebergs, antarctica and so much more – this room was boiling. I looked around and these half-naked people in all these crazy yoga positions. I have taken yoga classes for a long time, and wondered if they are in pain. At this point, I continued with my “Happy Baby Pose“. I feel better. I feel I can reach body parts that I could not touch a couple of days ago. If the surrounding would be a little different however, I would be happier and more comfortable. The instructor now told us to “feel us” and “feel deep inside to find our true selves”. “What does he mean; what is his point, why do I need this, “I thought and asked myself back then. I did not know any better.
The only thing I felt were muscles,bones and my whole body on fire at this point. Maybe this is it after all. I have done it. I survived this Bikram Yoga class and it wasn’t that bad after all. All my muscles and bones are back in their place again and I feel awesome. Finally, Shavasana – resting on the back after the workout and reflecting; diving deep into your own self. I like that. Laying on my back, eyes closed and hanging out with a bunch of thoughts that I should not even have had at this point because thoughts are “LIKE CLOUDS! LET THEM COME AND GO” – the instructor screams though his headset. “Why does he have to scream all the time”, I think while at the same time my eyes were closed and I fell asleep for a couple of minutes. He then walked around quietly without saying anything anymore. This is when I relaxed the most. In total quietness even though others breathed half naked and heavily next to me. I was at peace with myself.