As requested, I constructed a list of “What I have learned” and things that you don’t know about me. Here is an attempt:
- I have a scar on my right index finger. My pet turtle bit me when I was a teenager.
- I speak a bit of sign language. I am not crazy fluent, but I can communicate. I have learned the hard way that not all deaf people want to talk to you just because you can sign.
- I am working on my P.h.D. in Linguistics and will be a Doctor in about two years but I won’t be able to perform open-heart surgery.
- I am terrified of raccoons. They are so scary. Period.
- I am not allergic to food but eating pineapple hurts my mouth.
- I have been pregnant once and never want to do this again. I am fine with one child.
- My favorite food is fish, salad, and veggies.
- And Dark Chocolate.
- I would love to go skydiving but then again I would have to JUMP OUT OF A FUCKING AIRPLANE.
- I cannot stand Rod Stewart’s voice.
- I practice yoga almost daily.
- I faked injuring my ankle to get out fo running a couple of miles in police academy. I lay in the dirt until someone found me.
- I don’t like crowds of people. I don’t like big, crazy parties.
- What’s mostly on my mind is my family.
- I have a thing for guys who make me laugh and let me be myself.
- I am not sure when I have laughed the hardest in my life, but these days, I am laughing so much that my belly hurts. Also, at work.
- The best things I have ever bought were books and a comfy bed.
- I love being in museums, art galleries, vernissages, and actually anything artsy.
- I love to read and write.
- I meditate at least twice a day. It helps me clear my mind, get rid of stress and gives me energy.
- I am a pathological liar.
- Just kidding.
- I am an introvert rather than an extrovert.
- My apartment is a place to chill, read, enjoy good food, laugh, relax, and so much more.
- I enjoy a minimalistic lifestyle. Owning less makes me happy.
- I have no debt and rarely use my credit card.
- My third book is available for purchase in one or two weeks.
- I like to be honest and fair, and demand the same from others.
- I like to laugh and make everything more fun and exciting.
- I would give you the shirt off my back, even if you didn’t ask for it.
- I am generous and mostly calm. Unless the Air-condition breaks down at work.
- I can make people feel better.
- As a child, I had the creepiest clown as a stuffy in my bed and actually took it along at all times.
- Sex is awesome with the right partner.
- Sex is fun, but have you ever canceled an invitation to a baby shower?
- I hate it when people call me sweetheart or honey.
- I am proud of myself and what I have accomplished.
- I love my son so much.
- I have many male friends because it is easier to get along with them than with most women.
- I don’t want to be the “obvious” sexy mom. Still waters run deep.
- I dyed my hair blonde once when I was nineteen and will never do it again. Being natural is awesome.
- TV in the bedroom is not okay.
- I always ask for what I want. Or I go for it.
- I keep trying.
- I barely remember anyone’s name but I never forget their face.
- Street smart is as important as book smart.
- Don’t work too hard.
- I don’t ask people what they are doing for a living but rather who they are and what makes them happy.
- It is okay to cry.
- It is not okay to beat each other up after an argument. It is also not okay to take the phone of your partner and control all their moves.
- Whenever something feels weird, it usually is.
- Everything in moderation.
- Don’t listen to “experts”.
- Trust your gut. Not your brain.
- If it is not funny, you don’t have to laugh.
- I love brilliant writers like David Sedaris and David Rakoff.
- Nobody is looking stupid when they are having fun.
- Short people don’t want to be picked up.
- Relax and let them win. Who cares.
- WhocaresWhocaresWhocaresWhocaresWhocaresWhocares.
- Make “no” a complete sentence.
How does your list look? What would you add?