.ScreenPlay: Just Buy the Shiny SaucePan.

ScreenPlay: Katarina (K) and Christian (C) sit on a bench at the playground. They both constantly gaze into their phones. Their kids play.

K: On my walk home from work I.....
C: Yeah?
K: I heard that...
C: Yeah, I am listening.
K: I heard an intersting podcast.
C: What about?
K: I don't know. It was Esther Perel talking about saving relationships or something. The way people deal with "issues".
C: Esther Perel? No clue who that is.
K: She is a therapist who works with couples to fix their relationshps.
C: Oh....okay. I listened to a documentary today about the Neolithic or Stone Age. They had copper. Like a copper axe.
K: That sounds nice.
C: Yeah. Didn't we want to order this fancy pan that is made of copper?
K: You ordered it?
C: Yeah.
K: I thought we decided not to order it. Or move in together or buy this house.
C: We said if it was reduced; which it was.
K: It is still money. Is this about the house or the pan?
C: You were the one who wanted it. Both. The pan and the house.
K: I know.
C: It was reduced. I was going to surprise you.
K: That's sweet. I am just wondering if we really need a copper pan.
C: Should we get the axe instead?

[They both sip on their coffees and gaze into their phones]

K: [playing some weird "sending-off-planes-to-countries" game] Ha! My God! That's amazing! I got all the coins. But I need passengers!!
C: What is it?
K: Nothing. Where are you sending those planes?
C: What?
K: Nothing.
C: Oh.

[Five minutes later one child arrived to ask for cookies and something to drink. The child left and they gazed at the phones again; C receives a phonecall]

C (talking on the phone and walks away but K can still hear him because he screams in the phone. Maybe K should tell him that this is a telephone and not a megaphone): "Finally I received it. That was my point. The contracts cannot go out until Sabrina looks at them. Where is Sabrina? (Pause). Are you sure? (Pause). That doesn't make sense. She usually goes for a run and then to the bakery and right back to work (Pause). Do you think it is weird that I know this? (Pause). I don't think it is weird that I know this (Pause). I am her damn supervisor. Yeah, both of them. I knew this will happen. Look, I have got to go. Again, yeah, both of them." [He hangs up]
K: What was that all about? Do you need anything? Don't you have clients today?
C: Nothing. Will you do me a favor?
K: Of course.
C: I need to be alone right now.
K: I guess anything is possible.
C: Okay, are you leaving?
K: I will go for a walk now.
C: You always go for walks. Always running away! Are you running away from us?
K: You told me you want to be alone right now! And now, yes, I am running away from you. You suck!
C: Is it even safe to be out there so much? I mean, there is still this virus. The kids may spread it like crazy. This virus is so much bigger than us, you know. Don't forget your FFP2 mask.
K: Okaaaaaaaaay. Are you f***ing kidding me? What is wrong with you? [rolling her eyes and thinks about getting that axe to kill him]
C: You should go. I will stay here with the kids. We need wine. [He looks down at his phone again and received a Zoom call] Hi, Sarah. Hi, Patrick. Hi, Julia. The contracts are on the way I think. Oh, really? So, no contracts? What do you mean no contracts? We will talk later. Not now. I am at the playground. Talk later. [He hangs up and looks annoyed at his wife]
K: Okay, I will go to the store. See you at home. Don't forget to bring the kids.

[Scene: K left. C is again making phonecalls while screaming]
C: Just fire the others!!!! Enough is enough! [hangs up and curses nonstop]

[C calls K]

C: When is dinner? JULIAN AND ELLA, STOP THAT. STOP HITTING OTHER KIDS AND THROWING SAND! What time is it? I will order some food to go. I will pick it up.
K: I can pick it up, too. And I got the wine.
C: I love you. I just realized and I hate to say it but I am grateful. Bad as everything is, we are doing better than most. We have a roof over our head and food. And I am grateful to have you. I mean that. You are a good person, you know!? I will see you at home then. Oh, also, I got laid off just now.
C: We all did. Sarah, Julia, Patrick, and I.

[They are all together at home and it is evening. Everyone is in the kitchen, the food, the wine, the kids, and the conversation. Then the doorbell rings.]

C: Didn't you hear the doorbell? This package just got delivered.
K: Can I open it? (C openes the package and takes out a copper saucepan). Shiny. I like it. This would look good in the new kitchen in that house we looked at. But let's not rush into anything.
C: I think so, too.
K: I love you. We will get through this. Everything will be okay. We will figure this out. We can figure anyting out. If we want.
C: I agree. Together, forever, my love. Off to the next chapter and challenge. Life is not easy.

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