I believe the better the friend, the messier my house will be when she/he leaves.
I believe in listening to a taxi driver (in Vienna) tell me about his runaway daughter, four ex-wives, getting punched in the face last night, and being shot at on three separate occasions, in the time it takes to take me home.
I believe in what goes around comes around, reincarnation, and time travel. And Spiderman.
I believe there should be etiquette manuals called “Don’t wear fishnets stockings to a funeral”.
I believe in a Pulitzer Prize for swearing.
I believe in my brother who can fly a plane to get himself, my son and I safely from Vienna to Bavaria. I will take a parachute though. And a bat-suit for my son…. because it looks cool when we are all going down. 🙂
I believe that my brother will get super pissed about this but we will try to smuggle it on board. And of course we will cheat on the weight scale…..
I believe that instead of the superpower of flight or invisibility, I would like the ability to pick a ripe pear or honey melon.
I believe in buying the next size up because I was not put on this earth to fit into or restrain the largeness of my life.
Nor was I put on this earth to scroll my birth year like a Price is Right wheel, or remember what it was like to be your age.
No, I don’t want to talk to you on the phone while you talk to the barista; or text you when I get there; or wait for you on the corner that’s near there because I am not a prostitute.
I don’t want to grab anything by the horns, or keep it real.
I believe that nothing ages you more than shushing a room.
I believe in myself. I believe I should have put this first on the list.
I believe in a barfing cat home alarm instead of a barking dog.
I believe in emojis like peaches, the eyeroll one, the swear one, and the palm against forehead.
I believe in hole-punching divorce papers to make confetti.
I believe the new corona book clubs are robotic floor cleaner races (all fully vaccinated of course because of the terribly dangerous Delta mutation…… #eyerollemoji)
I believe in being positive and that mood swings suck.
I believe in the magic of lifelong friends.
I believe in Karma.
I believe that someone who takes a (not in a funny way) full Silence of the Lambs Anthony-Hopkins-through-the-psych-ward-looking-glass look at me is weird.
I believe in getting comfortable at Media Markt and play Nintendo Switch with my son for one hour without buying anything. They (covid-related) removed the massage chairs, goddammit. The little pleasures…..
I believe in playing chess with my son (for hours) without getting too angry when he beats me again.
I believe in a good old prank.
I believe in laughing when others are crying.
I believe in backup plans.
I believe in great sex but have you ever been relieved by a colleague at work and were able to go home?
I believe in fair treatment. Deep down, this must exist.
I believe I can sense certain patterns, selections, or promotions.
I believe in being a grown-ass lady.
I believe in having bad habits.
I believe that young kids are exposed too much to the internet. It is a consuming black hole and parents need to pay attention to this.
I believe that anyone who gives forcefully expressive advice about marriage is heading straight to the divorce court. Marriage is about the dance you do together but so many people are disappointed they are not in a lifelong happy relationship. There is no such thing. There are ups and downs. This is called life.
I believe in making people happy, in telling stories and making people laugh.
I believe being really connected to another person is as good as it gets. Candlelight… sex, all the good stuff.
I believe in love. It does exist.