.Superpowers I Wish I Had.

Power to understand men

Ability to fly (away sometimes)

Ability to make some people disappear

Ability to turn my faults invisible

Ability to understand why certain things are so fucking expensive (like a new toilet seat! Just the damn seat)

Ability to grow ten times my normal maturity

Sonic shield that prevents people from hearing me in the bathroom

Ability to detect when someone is lying (I am pretty good at this but there is room for improvement)

Self-duplication to create a version of me who genuinely cares about people complaining about work for an hour

Ability to give up control of Netflix remote control

Power to not feel awkward about eating licorice (how come nobody like this?)

Ability to convincingly lie about how much I enjoy going to work

Ability to silence (kill) people who snore

Ability to explain all these different genders to my son. Oh wait, there are only two.

Super-sensing when I’m supposed to be dominant

Underwater breathing ability

Rapid leg-muscle regeneration

Ability to communicate with pets

Echolocation to find things in the dark

Memory manipulation about Playstation-play-time for my son


Ability to somehow look cool in a sleeping mask and earplugs

Ability to control the weather, since I seemingly already have this power, as it’s somehow my fault that it rained when my son and I wanted to go play basketball

Power to instantly be deaf when there are a lot of kids around

Rapid emotional healing and healing overall

Ability to see into alternate future and relax

Ability to read minds, since I seemingly already have this power

Superhuman capacity to deal with insanity at work

Power to say “I’m fine with it” and actually be fine with it

Ability to break through emotional barriers

Sonic scream + ability to explain that wasn’t sonic screaming, you’ll know when I’m sonic screaming

Superhuman hearing

Superhuman listening

Paranormal power of understanding all references, innuendo, and in-jokes someone makes

Paranormal power of sleeping through the night without waking up once

Power to transform tools in the tools aisle I got into those he actually asked me to get

Time compression so every second of someone not responding to my text doesn’t feel like an eternity

Ability to fast-forward space-time to a point where I can be legitimately angry someone didn’t text me back and can start sending passive-aggressive texts

Remote, chill view on life overall

Ability to not loose it over little stuff

Ability to rapidly turn off anger

Paranormal power to influence accidents to not happen

Ability to get along and understand my sister

Ability to travel backwards in time and not send that text I just sent

Ability to sound convincing when I tell him I want to understand his perspective on cheating on me

Ability to search for specific text messages faster

Time manipulation

Ability to beam myself to places

Power to induce superhuman empathy, no, not even superhuman, just human empathy, as some apparently barely even have sub-human empathy

Ability to control firmness of matrasses (they are not as hard as the salesperson promised me it would be)

Power to just let it go

Ability to travel backwards in arguments

Ability to have unlimited annual leave

Power to teleport myself out of a any bad relationship

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