“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
I had to think for a second how I can write this as clearly and precisely as possible without offending anybody. I usually prayed the most whenever I thought I needed help. Otherwise, not really. When I grew up it was mandatory to join either catholic or protestant education in school. Then some parents complained and the school started offering “ethic education” if your are neither catholic nor protestant. I have been raised catholic by going to church on Christmas eve and that was that. We never practiced anytime else. I have been baptized, had my holy communion and confirmation as well as lectures to be a godmother for my nephew Paul. We had to go to confession when we were nine years old to tell the priest what we did wrong and I was so scared what to say. What do you tell a priest at that age? That you took another kid’s toys and they cried? You threw a rock at the neighbors garage? I was terrified of that day of confession and thought about all the things that might happen to me if I say something wrong. “God will find out sooner or later” the priest told us. (Thunder, lightning and evil laughter in the background while scary music is playing)
I know now that it is all about faith. My friend T. Erichsen would say that you can easily believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster! I do believe that there is something out there. Some energy – this universe is huge and we are so tiny in comparison. Energies are always swirling and flowing around. There are so many stories of near death experiences or assisted dying where all this comes up and souls or energy find a new place to life somewhere. Who knows what will happen when we die. Maybe it is simply the end and nothing happens.
Religion is okay. Whatever works for you and makes you happy, right? But it is scary in the means when someone goes overboard. The extremists who follow blindly or blow things up. Sadly, we hear about that way too often in the news. However, I love learning about all of it, but at the same time my thoughts are with the bad in the world and it does not make sense to me. It never will. I don’t want anybody or anything to tell me how to live my life or make someone else feel bad for living outside of what they believe to be their right way to live.
I believe in me. That I can deal with this life to the best of my knowledge and feel comfortable with myself. I believe in energy and science. I believe to be kind and to do the things that feel right to me. I believe that the universe has a plan for everyone. If things don’t work out they are not meant to be and something else will wait around the corner. I guess whatever we put out there, we get. Karma has often worked for me and I do understand that when one door closes another will open and it will all happen in some order. I constantly question everything in life and who knows what the truth really is. Maybe we are all wrong!
I will live my life here and now. I base my decisions on what I believe is right and true and I know that love is one of the most important things. Honestly, this is enough for me. This is just my opinion. I only have this one life and I want to make it right for me and especially do everything I do with love. Love myself and love my family.
Let me know your thoughts on this topic. I am really interested to hear your opinion.
Thank you for reading my blog.