“Parenting isn’t a practice. It’s a learning experience.”
Do you have the feeling sometimes that you are doing this parenting thing all wrong? I talked to parents and some said they don’t know what they are doing either which makes me feel instantly better. Sometimes however I lay awake in bed and think it all over and wonder if I am doing a good job with my son. All the stuff I am preaching here – I mean, is it all enough? Then there are other days when I think that I have it all figured out. I am doing it and I am doing a great job! This happens here and there. My son is almost two years old now – and as he is learning to be a two year old I am learning to be a mom of a two year old. And yes, everybody on the playground keeps on telling me about the “Terrible Two’s!” And how difficult this will be… and I have to deal with so much from now on especially in stores. Well, we are both learning. He is my first child so I am experiencing all these things together with him and I believe it is all a learning process.
Parenting is an awesome fascinating thing. My husband and I made this little munchkin and I feel in awe that we created him and he has so many qualities from both of us. Sometimes I worry because he has a quick temper at points – as I have. Or that he has too many emotions and it seems he is thinking and analyzing everything all the time. But this is what it is all about. We see ourselves in the children we raise. We learn from them and maybe become a better person ourselves.
It is so weird because I feel that I was meant to be a parent my entire life. I never wanted to have kids but this is definitely my thing. Whenever I look back to my life before it feels that it was okay but something was missing all along. These past two years with my son were the best time of my life. They felt like a million bucks but they are gone in just an instant too. Isn’t it just amazing to grow these tiny humans, form them, teach them and be in this position to call them “yours”?
Not every day is happy sunshine and I have to admit that some days really suck. Sometimes my son gets up on the wrong foot – as we all do at points. These little guys have bad days too. So I am aware of it. Every day is unique. You think you have it all down? Well, guess what? Tomorrow life throws you another curveball. This is just how it is. I enjoy the wonderful days – they are magic. And I try to remember them when times get rough. These magical days are what keeps me going; these special days when I curl up with my son on the couch and we watch Disney Channel at night covered up with a blanket before he goes to bed. Or being all snuggled while reading. When he kisses me good night and tells me he loves me makes my heart melt no matter how bad the day was. I guess we have to have these hard tough days sometimes to get us back to the magic. So we sort of don’t kill them. 😉 We simply keep learning and keep it all going – and we stumble and get back up. Day in and day out. All we can do is adjust our little sails and continue. And what else do our kids teach us? That we are all here for the first time and try to figure it all out. Exactly like them. And if we just do the things we love that everything will be just a-okay in the end.