I stayed up late the night before my son’s birthday to get his favorite banana/blueberry muffins ready so he could enjoy some for breakfast. I cannot believe I am celebrating this little guy’s second birthday. Wow, TWO years. I have been thinking for quite some time how I can make this day special for him. I overheard conversations at the playground of women planning a LION KING Party, a MICKEY MOUSE Party or a DOC MCSTUFFINS PARTY. (I know, it sounds like a cheap porn title from the 70s but it is actually a show that my son watches and likes) 😀
I have a different point of few and usually do my own thing anyway. First of all, I am alone with him. My husband is back in Kinshasa and my family is in Germany. I just remember how I celebrated my son’s first birthday. It was the best. My mom, my dad, my son and I walked around the Goldbergsee in Coburg/Germany and had muffins and brownies on a bench while sitting in the sun watching the ducks. So simple and so good! I mean, honestly, what does a two-year old know and understand about his birthday? Of course if you have your family around it is a nice gathering and food, drinks and celebration- sort of thing. But your child has no clue really what is going on at two years old, right? He sees that people are there; they eat, they drink but it could be like any other day or party. My husband sent gifts for our son and I bought him this particular steering wheel he is obsessed with. He first saw it at Hank May’s Garage in the toy box while we waited to get the emission of our car done. Obsessed! He unwrapped his birthday packages but he has no clue why he gets this today. And this is the point. I don’t think you have to go sooooo crazy with a huge party. If your son is in Kindergarten or Daycare and has some friends of course you plan a party and make them all come over and the kids can play. But this HUGE theme party with a smashing cake and all this at age two? I have some friends here and I could organize something insane but I simply don’t want to. Even if my family would be close by I would do a little cake/coffee gathering at home but that would be it really. What is your opinion on this?
So what did we do? We went to the local Fire Departments Open House and my son had a blast. He is totally into firetrucks and police cars these days. For late lunch we went to our favorite diner and had onion soup and fries of course. After that we went to the playground for two hours so he could play with the kids and run around so he get tired. Mama has a lot of work on the website to do tonight. To make his birthday perfect we went to Trader Joe’s which is great for him because he can walk the aisles with the kids push cart. We drove home and it started getting dark outside and he almost fell asleep in the car. What a perfect day and birthday. It is dark outside as I type this but it does not matter. He is my light. He teaches me so much every day. I want him to appreciate the simple things in life. Of course he will get his birthday parties with his friends later on. But now, it is all okay the way it is.Â
I love you so much my son. Happy Birthday. I cannot wait to make the next year as exciting and adventurous as the previous one. Unconditional love for you my heart.Â
Thank you for reading.